Page 32 - Fikardou_ebook
P. 32

Village Layout      House of Katsinioros  House of Achillea Dimitri  Petrou kai Pavlou Church  Yiannakos Tavern  Old School   The old Wine Press

                                           Crafts                                                              Clothing
              The inhabitants of Fikardou, as in all areas of rural Cyprus, had       Cypriot traditional clothing has a conservative character, just
              developed crafts and made various things of daily use or of special     like the folk art of Cyprus in general, without lacking variety

              importance in the cultural life of the village. Ceramics and metal-     and grace. Each attire is a complex work of art, showcasing
              lurgy were essential for the manufacture of tools and apparatuses,      weaving and decoration techniques as well as the craftsman-
              while basket-weaving complemented in an elaborate manner the            ship and elegance of its creators. In relation to those of the
              manufacture of numerous objects of various usages. Woodcraft            wider Greek area, they are simpler and show relative uniform-

              also produced utilitarian objects, while in its variant form, that      ity due to the small area of the island. However, there are local
              of woodcarving, it decorated objects and buildings with painted         variations, both in the type and in the details (in the coloring
              and engraved adornments. Embroidery, weaving and dressmak-              of the fabric, the combination of the parts that make it up, the
              ing produced the fabrics and clothing and at the same time dem-         cut, the decoration and the related supplements). The cloth-
              onstrated the semiotic characteristics of Cypriot, local society.       ing of the men and women of Fikardou relatively uniformly
                                                                                      follows the widespread Cypriot costume of the respective era.

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