Page 33 - Fikardou_ebook
P. 33

Village Layout      House of Katsinioros  House of Achillea Dimitri  Petrou kai Pavlou Church  Yiannakos Tavern  Old School   The old Wine Press

                                     Fikardou Stories: Myths, Legends and Historical Happenings

                      During WWII when Greece was fighting against the Italian Axis forces, the village rallied
                      to gather funds to support the Greek troops. The Church of Apostles Petrou kai Pavlou

                      offered one lira (£1), the Fundraising Committee of Fikardou offered four lira and fifteen
                      shillings (£4.15), three golden engagement rings, three gold coins and a  silver bracelet.
                                                               Every 8th of May, the vil-

                                                               lagers  held a big fair with
                                                               plentiful slow-cooked lamb
                                                               (kleftiko) and wine. The
                                                               abundance of wine flow very

                                                               often resulted in arguing and
                                                               brawling, and the fair came
                                                               to  be  known  as  “brawl-fair”.

                      The Church of Cyprus organized a referendum for the union of Cy-

                      prus with Greece on the 25th of March 1921, 25th of March 1930,
                      and on the 15th of January 1950. The inhabitants of Fikardou par-
                      ticipated with their vote with overwhelming support of the union.

                                                                      English        Ελληνικά
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