Page 24 - Fikardou_ebook
P. 24
Village Layout House of Katsinioros House of Achillea Dimitri Petrou kai Pavlou Church Yiannakos Tavern Old School The old Wine Press
Yiannakos Tavern
The house of I. Dimitriou (Yiannakos) located on the high ground to the south of
the village square, has been entirely restored and converted into a restaurant. Origi-
nally it consisted of a storeroom and a lavatory on the ground floor and a spacious
dichoro above, which functioned from time to time as a coffee house. With its res-
toration, apart from the consolidation of the entire building and the demolition
of poorly built additions, a dining room, a kitchen and a lavatory have been ac-
commodated on the ground floor as well as a stone paved verandah. On the up-
per floor the dichoro extending to the doma over the ground floor rooms was im-
proved. Two doors were opened in the northeastern wall facing the square, one
on the ground floor and the other on the upper storey. Here was added a wood-
en covered balcony with a view of the village and the surrounding countryside.
Yiannakos (1917-2013) became president of the
Community Council of Fikardou for many years.
He carried testimonials from the old days of the vil-
lage into the modern era which he managed to pass
forward in books and publications. Today, the build-
ing operates as a taverna; the only one in the vil-
lage, and it is run by family members. The tav-
erna is called “Yiannakos” to honor his memory.
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