Page 4 - Fikardou_ebook
P. 4

Village Layout      House of Katsinioros  House of Achillea Dimitri  Petrou kai Pavlou Church  Yiannakos Tavern  Old School   The old Wine Press

                Historical elements

                The use of the genitive case sug-                                                          This suggests that the entire larger

                gests that the village once be-                                                            mountainous area of   Cyprus north

                longed to a feudal family of the                                                           and north-west of the Monastery of
                same name. Many of today’s vil-                                                            Panagia tou Machaira was, during the

                lages in Cyprus which were part                                                            Frankish  period,  divided  into  three
                of royal or private fiefdoms dur-                                                          large fiefs, one of which belonged to
                ing the Middle Ages, still pre-                                                            the royal family of Cyprus, the second

                serve the names of feudal fami-                                                            to the Gourri family, and the third to
                lies of Cyprus. For example, the                                                           the Phicardo family. Despite the fact
                village of Gourri, connected to                                                            that the name of the village suggests a

                the east of Fikardou, owes its                                                             connection with a mediaeval family, as
                name to the Frankish feudal lord                                                           seen today, the houses of Fikardou are

                Jacob de Gourri, while the vil-                                                            genuine specimens of 19th century folk
                lage of Lazanias, located to the                                                           architecture with modifications and
                south of Fikardou, is naturally                                                            additions belonging to the first dec-
                named after the surname of the                                                             ades of the 20th century. The earliest

                royal family of Cyprus during                                                              preserved buildings, such as the village
                Frankish period, de Lusignan.                                                              church, date back to the 18th century.

                                                                      English        Ελληνικά
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