Page 7 - Fikardou_ebook
P. 7

Village Layout      House of Katsinioros  House of Achillea Dimitri  Petrou kai Pavlou Church  Yiannakos Tavern  Old School   The old Wine Press

               Geomorphology and Climate

               The landscape of the village is rough and mountain-                            Topography             Ground Elevation
               ous, with steep slopes and deep valleys where small                              Topography
               streams flow that feed the river Koutis – an offshoot

               of the Merikas river. The settlement is surrounded by
               high, wooded mountain peaks with a height exceed-
               ing 1,000 meters. From a geological point of view, the

               administrative area of  the village is dominated by the
               lavas and diabases of the Troodos Ophiolite Complex.  On top of these rocks, fens (shallow soils) and siliceous soils

               The Troodos Ophiolite Complex is thought to be part of  (rocks containing plenty of silicon) developed. Some of the rocks
               an ancient oceanic crust and the earth’s upper mantle. in the area that belong to the lower stratigraphic part of the Com-
                                                                             plex, are the plutonites, (olivine, pyroxenes, plagioclasts, etc.).
                                                                             These rocks are products of crystallization of part of the magma

                                                                             that came from a partial melting of the upper mantle of the earth.
                                                                             The climate is Mediterranean with long hot summers and short

                                                                             mild winters. Temperatures are relatively low in the winter sea-
                                                                             son, around 5°C which sometimes reach 0°C and high in the
                                                                             summer which range around 27°C. The village receives an av-

                                                                             erage annual rainfall of about 550 millimeters. Snowfalls are
                                                                             not very frequent and do not exceed one snowfall per year.

                                                                      English        Ελληνικά
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