Page 14 - Fikardou_ebook
P. 14
Village Layout House of Katsinioros House of Achillea Dimitri Petrou kai Pavlou Church Yiannakos Tavern Old School The old Wine Press
The House of Katsinioros
The most imposing dwelling at Fikardou, prominently situ-
ated at the northern edge of the village, is the “House of Kat-
sinioros”. Named after its last owner, it is an impressive stone-
built structure exhibiting architectural elements which can
be morphologically traced back to the 16th century. The main
part has two storeys and is covered with a wooden pitched
roof similar to that of the village church. The other rooms of
the house—divided in two by wooden posts—are covered
with a flat roof. These were in a ruined state and have now
been restored, while a separate long room (makrynari) on a The unique construction of the roof has the style of the
higher ground level was rebuilt according to its original plan. wooden-roofed churches of Troodos Mountain in Cyprus,
The main room was on the upper floor, while those with some variations, while the north two-lobed window
below were used for pressing grapes, for the stor- of the ground floor also refers to ecclesiastical architec-
age of wine and other agricultural products as well as ture. On the contrary, most houses in the village have sin-
for tools. These rooms also served domestic purpos- gle-pitched or two-pitched roofs, with a slight ramp and
es such as the kneading of dough, baking and cooking. Byzantine-style tiles or even a flat roof, the so-called doma.
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